Super Street Fighter IV

This was not the old school button-mashing, quarter consuming Street Fighter game that would define one of the most recognizable video game franchises in history. Rather, Super Street Fighter IV was the most recent iteration launched as a new and improved version of the classic, packed with new features and available for play on your living room console. This edition of the immensely successful Super Street Fighter franchise introduced new characters, new specials and an online gaming mode so complete it earned coveted perfect scores from numerous gaming publications.
To market the game to a broader audience, Capcom looked to translate the raw energy and dynamic visuals of Super Street Fighter IV into a street artist based series of graphics that would communicate key aspects of the game. 12ozProphet Studio was enlisted as a consultant to help navigate the culture, secure a distinguished group of accomplished street artist and art direct the execution of five killer graphics that would be used for advertising, point of sale and editorial. The final contributing artist roster was a heavy hitting who’s who of the creative class including Futura, Dalek, Grotesk, 123Klan and Cody Hudson aka Struggle Inc.
Client: Capcom
Services: Talent Identification, Artist Relationship Management, Art Direction, Illustration, Design
Objective: Build a hard-hitting collaboration between Street Fighter and some of the strongest artists in the street art game
Outcome: A unique body of powerful marketing graphics compelling enough to cross over from hard core gaming to generate buzz in the popular culture, lifestyle and art space